All things are possible for those who take the first step!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Partner WOD @ 0900

As many rounds as possible in 25 min:

400m run (or 4 suicides if its raining)
15 KBS (53/35)
12 Pullups
15 Squats

One person runs, other person works through rounds.  Score is rounds completed.
You do not have to bring your own partner.  I will match you up with someone.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Buy In

For quality (not time):
3 x 5 Ring Dips

Beginner: Keep rings low and use bands.
Intermediate: No bands.  Clean reps with full depth and solid lockout at the top.
Advanced: Go as deep as possible.  Hold 5 seconds at the bottom of each rep.  Raise rings high to allow for perfect hollow body position throughout movement.  Turn hands out at the top in support position.


5 Rounds for time:
5 Back squat @ 1.25 x bodyweight (men)/.75 x bodyweight (women)
30 abmat situps


5 Rounds for time:
30 Air squats
30 abmat situps

Cash Out

Foam roll quads and lower back

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Buy In

For quality (not time):
4 x 5 Dragon Flags

Use the floor and hold the pullup bar post, instead of using a bench.
Maintain hollow body position all the way to the floor.  Hips and heels should touch the floor together.
Scale with straddle position or knees in, as required.


6 Rounds For Time:
5 wall climbs
10 T2B
50 DU's

Scaling options:
- wall climbs: partial wall climbs, handstand holds, pike pushups on box, etc
- T2B: knees to elbow, knee raises
- DU: 3:1 singles.

Cash Out

Mobility work:
Foam roll the lats.
Shoulder mobility with lacrosse ball.
Spend about 2 minutes on each area (per side), dig deep.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Buy In

5 x 15 sec L-sit hold on the P's

Scale to 1-leg tucks, 2-leg tucks, L-hang on pullup bar, etc.
Flex everything from "toes to nose".
Proper position is heels above hips.
Measure proper cubit width for your P holds.  P's should be width of elbow to fingers.


Hang Power Clean
3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Increase weight each round if possible.
Complete each set without grounding the bar.
Work with a partner (or two) on the bars using similar weight.


30 Med Ball cleans for quality (not time)

Take the opportunity to slow things down a bit and learn proper technique.

Cash Out

30 Strict hollow body pullups

Get'em done!

Optional Strength WOD (Independent)

Deadlift: Reps of 5, 3, 1 @ 75%, 85%, and 95% of your training max.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Today will be Nancy's goodbye WOD as she leaves on a jet plane this Thursday.  Nancy started crossfitting with us a little over a year ago.  She started at the beginning!  This firebreather has come a long way from the first "Cindy" WOD she ever did.  Nancy has true heart and character and a natural crossfit spirit that is welcoming to anyone, especially those who work hard!  Nancy and her family will be moving to Maryland and will continue with crossfit when she gets there.  She will also be be in a race in May with our past coach Michelle!  There is no stopping her!  Nancy, we all love you here at CFKP and will miss you so very much.  In your honor, we will go all firebreather and repeat the first WOD you ever did...

20 min AMRAP
5 pullups
10 push-ups
15 squats

Monday, March 26, 2012


Buy In:

2 Rounds of 10 inchworm pushups, 10 burpees

For quality (not time):

5 X 3 Around the Worlds

Take your time with these and fight for perfect body position.  Scale to tucked position as needed.  Keep your body tight, flexing from "toes to nose".  Disregard the overhead squat portion of the video.

For time (max effort):

5 X 300m sprints

Rest approx. 60 sec between intervals.  Score your fastest time.

Cash Out (time permitting):

30 strict pullups in hollow body position

- Inchworm pushup demo here:
- Run better and injury free here:
- Dress appropriately for running outside on the track.
- 300m run will start at the end of the straightaway and finish at the beginning of the straightaway (where we normally start running)

Friday, March 23, 2012

3 rounds, for time:
15 push jerk (weight of choice)
25 Pullups
25 Wall ball shots (20lb/14lb)

3 rounds, for time:
20 dumbbell swings
10 jumping pullups
15 wall ball shots

FEAT OF STRENGTH (Time and weather permitting):
Run 400 meters, for time.

STRENGTH (Optional/Independent):

3 reps @ 70% of training max  (example 90 x 0.70=63 or 65lbs)

3 reps @ 80% of training max (example 90x 0.80 = 72 or 70lbs)
3 reps @ 90% of training max (example 90x 0.90 = 81 or 80lbs)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

15 minute AMRAP:

10 Box Jumps (24/20)
8 Deadlift (215/135)
6 Clapping pushups

-A and B WODs, substitute games style or other pushup variations if necessary
-Deadlift for B WOD is weight of choice

Clapping pushups demo:

STRENGTH (Optional/Independent):

3 reps @ 70% of training max  (example 90 x 0.70=63 or 65lbs)
3 reps @ 80% of training max (example 90x 0.80 = 72 or 70lbs)
3 reps @ 90% of training max (example 90x 0.90 = 81 or 80lbs)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cash In:
Foam roller and PVC stretches, targeting your sorest areas

"Recovery Time"
Accumulate 2 minutes of hold time for the following exercises (total of 10 minutes):

L-sit (any apparatus, legs piked or bent)
Wall sit (see demo, below)
Hollow hold
Pull up hold

-For the timing, partner up as needed to accumulate the total of 2 minutes per exercise.

Cash Out:
If you are feeling limber, try a cartweel!

Wall sit demo:

STRENGTH (Optional/Independent):

3 reps @ 70% of training max  (example 130x 0.70=91 or 90lbs)
3 reps @ 80% of training max (example 130x 0.80 = 104 or 105lbs)
3 reps @ 90% of training max (example 130x 0.90 = 117 or 115)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

3 rounds, for time:

15 power cleans (weight of choice)
100 ft. bear crawl
25 KB or DB swings (weight of choice)
200 meter run, forwards and backwards (100 down, 100 back)

-If the weather is decent, plan to do the WOD outside.
-The estimated bear crawl distance will be down and back on the grassy area (near the pullup bars); or, down and back on the basketball court, if we are inside.
-On the track, the forward run goes from the yellow dotted line to the far goal post and then backwards to the starting point; or, two basket ball court lengths (so down and back twice), if inside.
-End the WOD at the yellow dotted line starting point, on the track; or, the court line closest to the pullup bars, inside.

STRENGTH (Optional and Independent):

3 reps @ 70% of training max  (example 130x 0.70=91 or 90lbs)
3 reps @ 80% of training max (example 130x 0.80 = 104 or 105lbs)
3 reps @ 90% of training max (example 130x 0.90 = 117 or 115)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sorry for the late post!  I just got back from a weekend away!


6 Rounds of:
50 squats
25 ring dips

For time.

Row 2400 meters, for time.

Friday, March 16, 2012

20 Jumping lunges (each leg, total of 40)
30 Sumo deadlift high pull (weight of choice)
40 Ball slams
50 Pullups
40 Ball slams
20 Jumping lunges

For time.

Sumo Deadlift High Pull Demo:
STRENGTH (Optional and Independent):

(See Tuesday's post if you are unfamiliar with this lifting pattern) .
5 reps @ 65% of training max  (example 130x 0.65=84.5 or 85lbs)
5 reps @ 75% of training max (example 130x 0.75 = 97.5 or 100lbs)
5 reps @ 85% of training max (example 130x 0.85 = 110.5 or 110)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

LAST WEEK'S GAMES WOD Shared, Pain and All!

18 Minute AMRAP:
15 Box Jumps (24/20)
12 Push press (115/75)
9 Toes to bar

-Push jerk is accepted in lieu of push press
-Box jump step ups and TTB variations (ie, KTE, etc) accepted for B WODs

STRENGTH (Optional and Independent):

(See Tuesday's post if you are unfamiliar with this lifting pattern) .

5 reps @ 65% of training max  (example 130x 0.65=84.5 or 85lbs)
5 reps @ 75% of training max (example 130x 0.75 = 97.5 or 100lbs)
5 reps @ 85% of training max (example 130x 0.85 = 110.5 or 110)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


TABATA Something Else - "The Basics"
Eight rounds each of twenty seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest, of the following exercises:

Air squats

-Score total number of reps completed
-Coaches: Set up 4 stations and have the athletes move to the next station after 8 rounds are reached

100 Double Unders (3:1 singles)
For time.

Feat of Strength (time permitting):
Max strict toes to bar, without dropping from the bar.
STRENGTH (Optional and Independent):

Once you have your 1 rep max calculated, you are going to find your
TRAINING max by taking 90% of your 1 rep max (see yesterday's post for 1 rep max calculator) .
EXAMPLE 143lbs x .90 = 128.7 (I'll round up to 130)  So my TRAINING
max for deadlift is 130.

For today's wod:
5 reps @ 65% of training max  (example 130x 0.65=84.5 or 85lbs)
5 reps @ 75% of training max (example 130x 0.75 = 97.5 or 100lbs)
5 reps @ 85% of training max (example 130x 0.85 = 110.5 or 110)

Again, this pattern will be the same for each lift this week.

Knee group

Looking to start a "knee-hab" group soon. I'll take you through 6-8 weeks of knee exercises and stretches. This will be a general program, and not specific to any particular injury. I will not be evaluating knees. You will have DAILY homework and I would like to try to meet 1x week to review exercises in person. You need to have your own foam roller, ideally. I would like to start this up in mid-march. $35 a month to participate. We will have a google doc to keep track of one another, and hold one another accountable. If your interested please email me at ASAP.  You may only participate if you are IN Atsugi - no long distance teaching - sorry.  

Tuesday, March 23, 2012


15 Minute AMRAP:
7 Deadlift (weight of choice)
7 Burpee bar hops
7 V-situps

STRENGTH(Optional and Independent):
Now you have established your 3 rep or 1 rep max on the 4 major lifts:
Deadlift, Bench, Strict press, and Back squat.
EXAMPLE - deadlifted 135lb 3 times

If you found a multi-rep max (such as the 3 rep max) please visit this
link to get an estimate of your 1 -rep max:
EXAMPLE Deadlift 135 x 3 reps = 143 max

Once you have your 1 rep max calculated, you are going to find your
TRAINING max by taking 90% of your 1 rep max.
EXAMPLE 143lbs x .90 = 128.7 (I'll round up to 130)  So my TRAINING
max for deadlift is 130.

Then for today's wod:

5 reps @ 65% of training max  (example 130x 0.65=84.5 or 85lbs)
5 reps @ 75% of training max (example 130x 0.75 = 97.5 or 100lbs)
5 reps @ 85% of training max (example 130x 0.85 = 110.5 or 110)

This pattern will be the same for each lift this week

Monday, March 12, 2012

Cash In:
Hallow holds and hollow rock work.

4 Rounds, for time:

400 meter run
5 burpees
10 tuck jumps
15 mountain climbers (each leg, total of 30)

Mountain Climbers:

STRENGTH (Optional and Independent):
Back squat
5, 5, 3, 3, 3
Find 3 rep max and record it.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

There is no official WOD today other than the Games WOD; however,

Jason will be coaching at Halsey from 0930-1030.

He will be focusing on squats, so this is a good opportunity to improve upon your squat form, with or without weight .
Plan to be outside if it is not raining (pray) or inside the weight room if it is raining.

Stay dry everyone!  Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Cash In:
Shoulder stretches with PVC pipe or band.

50 Double unders (3:1 singles)

10! (10, 9, 8, etc)
Good mornings (weight of choice)
Toes to bar

50 Double Unders

For time.

Example, Good mornings:

Cash Out (time permitting):
Max front plank hold (time).

Thursday, March 8, 2012


The "Baby" Bear Complex

3 rounds of 7 repetitions of the following sequence:
Power Clean
Front squat
Push press
Back squat
Push press

-You may not let go of the bar during a sequence; however, you may rest the bar in the front or back squat rack position. 

-Rest as needed (within reason!) between each round.  
-Please note that this is not a timed WOD, so challenge yourself but make sure to focus on proper form.
-Coaches: please have athletes partner up to create two rounds/groups and keep track of reps.
-Athletes: please try to get warmed up early and be ready to go at your class time!  This WOD tends to be long.

Bear Complex (full 5 rounds) Video:


5 Rounds of 7 repetitions of the following sequence:
1 Wallball clean
2 Wallball shots
- scale weight as needed and increase weight as needed between each sequence

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"CHALLENGE" Running Baseline WOD Re-test


3 Rounds For Time:

400 meter run
40 squats
30 abmat situps
20 burpees
10 walking lunge (5 each leg)
5 strict plank pushups (no knees if at all possible)

Good luck everyone!

STRENGTH WOD (Optional and Independent):
Bench press to find three rep max-
5, 5, 3, 3, 3

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cash In:
1 minute bottom squat hold x3

10 Minute AMRAP:

7 front squat
5 push press, behind and in front of the head (1 rep=behind the head and back to front of head position)
15 supermans

-Please scale the weight for B Wods to account for proper form and transitions.  Opt for light weight and better form.
-Use same weight for front squat and push press

Cash out:
Max strict pull ups in 2 minutes

Strength WOD (Optional and Independent):
5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 1
Same deal - use a weight that you are comfortable deadlifting and then add weight with each set.  Find your one rep max for the last rep.  Record it!

Monday, March 5, 2012


4 Rounds of:

10 Hand Stand Pushups
12 Pullups
20 Box Jumps
4 Suicides

For time.

Coaches: Scale HSPUs and pull ups as appropriate for B WOD.

Strength WOD:
(Optional and Independent)

Back squat:
5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 1

Start the five reps with a weight that you are comfortable lifting and add weight with each round.  Establish your one rep max at the last set.  Remember your one rep max weight!

Sunday, March 4, 2011

Farewell WOD for BETH!!! 

Although she doesn't leave until Wednesday, today will be Beth' going away WOD.  Beth has been a great addition to our little crossfit family here in Atsugi.  Beth has been an inspiration to many people starting crossfit and she will be missed here by so many.  Beth has an ability to push through a difficult WOD which can be truly amazing.  She is one of our strongest and fastest ladies right now, as well as one of the most fun to be around.  Beth, you will leave a hole in CFKP when you leave this week, we love you so much. 

Beth will be medivac-ed to Chicago this week to begin her treatment for breast cancer.  In her honor we will be doing the barbells for boobs fundraiser WOD amazing "grace" See more details about amazing "grace"  HERE.  We will be performing "grace" and raising funds every month in Beth's name until October, when we will donate what we have collected at that time to Barbells for Boobs.

30 ground to overhead (135/95)
For time
For donation

**Please feel free to participate in this wod with us, even if you are not a regular crossfitter.  We will scale the workout to a beginners level no problem.  Kids will also be welcome at this wod****

Friday, 2 March 2012


Cash In
Max time handstand hold x 3. 1 minute of rest starting after last person drops in between rounds.

10 Min AMRAP
3 Wall climbs
6 Pistols (3 each leg)
9 Situps

Cash Out
2:00 minutes max pushups