All things are possible for those who take the first step!

Friday July 1, 2011

4 rounds of (choose THREE of the following)
-15 Pullups
-20 Sit-ups
-20 Pistols (10 each leg)
-30 Squats
-7 handstand pushups
-20 double unders
-25 push-ups
-15  4-count flutter kicks
-20 jumping lunges (10 each leg)
-30 mountain climbers
-12 burpees
-20 toes to bar
- 15 second L sit
Record which 3 exercise and your time

Strength WOD:
(optional and Independent)
Please only perform this movement independently if you are proficient and need minimal coaching.

Basic/Intermediate: 3-3-3-3-3
8-10 reps warm-up set
5 reps @ 60%
3 reps @ 70%
1 reps @ 80%
1 rep @ 90%
1 rep at 100%
1 rep @ +2-5%

Mobility WOD:
Mobility WOD #4 Silent P in Filet, Very Paleo

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Remember to journal your SDHP weight!  We do not do those as often so you WILL forget!

I know your legs are sore, BUT, the zombies will not care if your legs are sore just fyi...

Michelle is guest-coaching at the 0830 WOD!!!! YAY!!!! 


400m run or row
1-2 rounds of regular warm-up.
Get those legs extra extra warm today if your sore!

Part A
Thrusters (95/65)

Part B
Double unders
max reps in 1 min for 6 sets. 1 min rest between sets.
Please perform while waiting to do FRAN or after your FRAN WOD - whatever works. Mark total reps on the whiteboard.  This is an opportunity for practice!!!

Endurance WOD:
(Optional and Independent)
3+ Hours Before or After Regular WOD

Choose ONE of the following sports:
Long Intervals
Swim: 2 – 4 x 400 m/y, rest 3:00
Run: 2 – 4 x 1000m, rest 3:00, hold within 3-5 seconds
Row: 2 - 4 x 1200m, rest 3:00, hold within 3-5 seconds

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

NOTE: Thursday's 0530 WOD has been MOVED to Friday morning for this week only! Please do not show up at 0530 on Thursday morning!

Warm-up: 1-2 rounds of regular warm-up


In this workout you move from each of three stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a three-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. You will repeat the round 4 times.  On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep.

 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/55)
 Ring Rows
 Hand Stand Push-ups

Endurance WOD (optional and independent) please allow yourself 3+ hours of rest in between the regular WOD and endurance WOD.

Choose ONE of the Following Sports:
Swim, Bike, Row (no running)

3 min on, 2 min off
2 min on, 30 sec off
1 min on, 3 min off
2 min on, 30 sec off
3 min on. Done!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Have you journal-ed your strict press weight from yesterday?

400m run
1 round of basic warm-up
10 back squats (PVC) then 5 second rest at the bottom position.  4 sets.
Then, the two upper extremity stretches learned last week for the back squat prep work.

3 rounds for time:
15 Back Squat  (155/115)
800m run

*This WOD will need to be stagger started due to class size and one squat rack - please be ready and know which weight you will use.  Bring your own watch!!!!!!!!!!  This has the potential to run the class time long, so let's get busy right away!*

Mobility WOD:
Stretch your calves!  I also have a pro-stretcher in the large lululemon bag for calf stretching as well.  Watch the video peeps
Mobility WOD #3

Monday, June 27, 2011


"Death by TRIPLE Burpees"
Perform 3 burpees the first minute, 6 burpees the second minute, 9 burpees the third minute, and so on until you cannot perform the required burpees within the minute.  Score your last SUCCESSFUL minute.

Then time permitting,
STRICT PRESS 3-3-3 work your way up in weight with PERFECT form. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Endurance  WOD:
(optional and independent)
Run 5k for time (Time Trial)

Please remember to journal your weight/sets so that when you have that exercise again - you know what you can handle!

This week's 0530 Thursday class will be moved to Friday morning at 0530.  Sorry if that causes any inconvenience.  

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Today we are saying goodbye to an amazing friend and coach. I was not here yet when Erin started Crossfit under coach Charlotte, but I have heard that she made an immediate impact! She improved our Crossfit group, not only with her ability to take it to the next level, but also with her strength of character. Needless to say, Erin was a beast right from the beginning, revving up the competitive drive of many crossfitters here. However, rarely can any of us touch her on a WOD! More impactful, however, was just how darn nice she is! She goes out of her way to help each and every one of us with anything we need - all the time. We all feel how she genuinely cares for everyone here. I am sure the natural next step for her was to become certified and start coaching. Having her here as a coach was a dream come true for many of us! Erin, there will be a hole in our hearts when you leave this week. We will miss you so much. Here is hoping we will see you back for a quick visit now and then, as well as see you in the games next year!! But for today, we will plug this hole in our hearts... with HELEN, HELEN and more HELEN!

Run 1200m
63 DB Swing (35/55)
36 Pull-ups
Run 800m
42 DB swing (35/55)
24 Pull-ups
Run 400m
21 DB swing (35/55)
12 Pull-ups
For time.


Friday June 23, 2011

2-3 rounds of regular warm-up

Wallball (20/14)

Skill Practice:
The Muscle-up

There WILL BE a Saturday WOD at 10am. This will be Erin's going-away WOD! Don't miss it! Even if you come 4x this week - it will be a freebie!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Burgener Warm-up

Coaching will start strictly 10 mins after the start of class time. Please be ready and present. We will gather equipment after coaching.

10 min AMRAP:
30 Double-Unders
15 Hang Power Cleans (115,85)

Endurance WOD:(optional and independent)
Please allow 3+ hours rest between this and your regular crossfit wod for adequate recovery.

2-5 sets of Run or Row 800m. 3 min rest between sets.
or Swim 200m for 2-5 sets. 90 sec rest between sets.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

2-3 rounds of regular warm-up

"Tabata Something Else"
Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Skill Work: The Power Clean

Mobility work -Pay careful attention to his mobility work starting at 2 mins or so - many of us have overhead difficulties from rounded shoulders and would benefit from some dedicated time through the rib cage with lacrosse balls. 

Tuesday June 21, 2011

400m run
1 round of basic warm-up
10 overhead squats (PVC) then 5 second rest at the bottom position.  4 sets.
Then, the two upper extremity stretches from yesterday's mobility wod

Beginners/Intermediate level lifters:
Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3

Advanced lifters:  (aka your back squat looks good, you need minimal coaching, and you have a good idea of your 1 rep max)
8-10 reps warm-up set
5 reps @ 60%
3 reps @ 70%
1 reps @ 80%
1 rep @ 90%
1 rep at 100%
1 rep @ +2-5%
(In the squat rack please - please come prepared with your numbers)

Part B
Run 200m x 6 Rest 2 mins between sets
(If you suck at running - do this)
Row 225 x 6 Rest 2-4 mins between sets 
(If your a strong runner - do this)
*score: average your fastest time and your slowest time

Interesting read about squatting below parallel:

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Belated Birthday Evan!!!!

In honor of your birthday:

3 Rounds of:

35 Double-unders
30 Air Squats
25 Sit-ups
20 Push Press (65/45)
15 Toes-to-bar
10 Ground to overhead (65/45)
5 Burpees

Then: ALL first time rowers who have not been coached on the C2 rower will go to get coached on the rower.  Here is some pre-learning:

Also here is a Mobility WOD for those of you who need something new  There are 3 stretches in here I would like everyone to learn for your arsenal:

Shoulders and The Back Squat "Rack". And Darth

Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Birthday, Naomi!! 

Naomi jumped right into CF with two feet and quickly made us all realize that we all suck and DUers!!  We hope that you have enjoyed Crossfit KP as much as we have enjoyed having you WODing with us.  Here's to a wonderful year ahead of you.  Thanks for being apart of our CF family, Naomi.  Still my favorite quote, "that CrossFit is hard!" (I hope I got that right!)
Happy Birthday!

20 DUers
400M Run
20 DUers
20 DB swings (55/35)
400M Run
20 DUers
20 DB Swings (55/35)
20 Push ups
400M Run
Do the deadlifts that I KNOW no one did yesterday!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Jason's Birthday WOD!!
Jason has been an awesome addition to our CF KP family since he first joined us for a Saturday WOD a few months back (at least that is when I first met him).  We were on a team together and I was pleasantly surprised at how encouraging and energetic he was for being a 'newbie' (little did we know he was not much of a newbie at all!) - plus he counted all my reps for me which showed me what a team player he was going to be.   Thanks for always working hard and being a great friend and CF buddy!  We look forward to him being apart of CFKP for the rest of his tour here.
Not sure about all of you, but I was certain I was going to be doing 37 heavy deadlifts, but this is what Jason requested...Enjoy!
Happy Belated Birthday Jason
5 rounds for time
10 Wall climbs
15 Pull ups
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
Cash-out: Deadlif 3-3->3 (same style as the back squats last week, 65%, 75% and 85% of your 1RM)
Jason, you better do these deadlifts!! 

Wednesday, June 14, 2011

10! V-ups
1! Burpees
 (10 V-ups, 1 burpee, 9 V-ups, 2 burpees, 8 V-ups, 3 burpees......)
Mobility work - especially shoulders (get ready for a very challenging Thursday WOD)

Tuesday, June 13, 2011

**Include Rotator Cuff Warm-up into your warm-up today
AMRAP in 12 minutes
7 Toes To Bar
10 Weighted walking lunges (same DBs as PP)
13 DB Push press (45/25)
Feat of Strength: Row 500M for time

Monday, June 13, 2011

This is our benchmark WOD for the Lifestyle Challenge :)
400M Run
3 rounds of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

The P.R.I.C.E is right...

Basic care for acute strains and sprains

It happens to everyone, in every sport.  You are moving along just fine in your workout and you feel that tell-tale twinge in your hip or calf or hamstring.  You proceed to worry about the mild to moderate pain in this area on your body for the next 3-7 days; but then it vanishes.  Odds are you had a mild strain or sprain and your body healed over the course of those 3-7 days.

I would say that acute strains and sprains and just plain old soreness is very common in high intensity workouts. So what can you do to help the body heal quickly and get back "in the game"?  This is where the PRICE is right...

 P - Protection.  You will want to protect the area.  This can be done several ways.  Bracing, taping, and ace bandages can be utilized depending on the area of the body.  Crutches/boots/splints may be prescribed at times by your MD.

R - REST.  This is one of the easiest, and yet most confusing principle points.  If you have injured a body part - REST IT.  Do not perform the activity you were doing to hurt it at the same level of intensity or at all.  This does NOT mean "do move your body or the body part at all".  Every situation is different.  One way to simplify it is this - "does doing THIS make it HURT?"  Yes? - well then don't do THAT.  Modify what it is your doing with the injured body part so you are not hurting, or just do not perform the activity.  "If it hurts don't do it". 

I - ICE!!!  For an injury that is new and fresh, please always ICE.  Stay away from heat, especially if you notice swelling or redness or heat in that muscle or joint.  You will need to ice for 20 mins on/ and at least 20 mins off.  Ice is also great for delayed muscle soreness.  Here is a great way to make a homemade ice pack:  Homemade Ice Pack  

C - Compression.  This is particularly useful if there is any swelling.  Use ace bandages or neoprene sleeves for some compression to the area to combat swelling. 

E - Elevation - Get that body part UP above the level of the heart if possible.  Also a very useful tool to combat swelling.

Extra sunday reading:
Rhabdomyolysis Revisited

Friday, June 10, 2011

For time:
Deadlift 1.5 x bodyweight for as many reps as your age
Deadlift your bodyweight for as many reps as your age
Record load, reps, and time...
10 x 100m sprints; rest 90 sec between reps
Score is your slowest sprint
There will be a Saturday WOD at 1000!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

 For Time:
20 Push Jerk (85/55)
5 Double Unders
15 Push Jerk
10 Double Unders
10 Push Jerk
15 Double Unders
5 Push Jerk
20 Double Unders
Feat of Strength:  Back Squat 3, 3, >3.  
If you know your 1RM, use 65%, 75%, 85% for the three sets; if not, work toward a 3RM (go fairly heavy).  Don't exceed 12 reps on the last set (if you can, you lied about your 1RM).

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

   If I did this right, "Wittman" should have gotten you just about to your break-point.
   At its heart, today's WOD is a mobility WOD - there is some let down in the physical demand, but still attack it with the same mental intensity you show the heroes; endeavor to hold every movement for the allotted time and work the full range of motion.

4 Rounds (not for time):

15 Second handstand hold
5 Pull ups
30 Second Samson stretch (30 seconds each side)
10 Push ups
45 Second front plank
15 Flutter kicks (15 each leg)
60 Second Squat hold - ouch! (use the wall, a pole, or a partner to achieve full depth and stay there the whole minute)

   The clock still ticks even if you reach failure on the holds, but do your best. Do each exercise as a class and don't move on till everyone has completed the previous task.
CONGRATULATIONS to Patrick on winning the 5k Double Under Challenge!! He finished by doing several hundred last night after wrestling Wittman with the rest of us. Awesome.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." -Mark Twain
Hero WOD: "Whitman"
7 rounds for time:
15 DB Swings (55/35)
15 Power Cleans (95/65)
15 Box Jumps (24"/20")
Work on double unders and stretch out those calves; Use the lacrosse balls too for those sore 'Murph muscles'

Monday, June 6, 2011

Thanks for the hard work and camaraderie on Murph Day; it made for a great workout with an awesome group of friends.

Warm up:
Rotator Cuff warm-up
2 Rounds - 10 second hand stand hold / 5 pull ups

Complete as many reps as possible:
7 Minutes - Thruster (85/55)
5 Minutes - 10 Situps / 10 Supermans (count total REPS)
3 Minutes - Broad Jumps (1 rep = 1 length of small basketball court)
1 Minute - Ring Dips
There is no rest between exercises. Score is total reps completed.

Mobility Work:
Foam roll some Murph stiffness and use the rubber bands to loosen up your shoulders after all those thrusters.

Friday June 2, 2011



400 m run
20 box jumps
20 jumping pullups
20 Overhead walking lunges (45/25)
20 V situps
20 Hand stand pushups
20 supermans
20 Burpees
20 Ground to overhead (45/25 plate)
20 Double unders

For time

Foam roll/lacrosse ball mobility work of choice x 10 mins

Thursday June 2, 2011


20 Deadlifts (225/135)
20 Pushups (games style)
10 Deadlifts
10 pushups
5 Deadlifts
5 pushups

For time

Then: pick a many partner wall balls can you do without dropping?